ammunition, National Match

National Match ammunition is produced by the appropriate Government or commercial manufacturing facilities for use at the National Matches.

Cartridges are often, not always, head-stamped with “NM.”

The Civilian Marksmanship Program announced the following regarding the issuing of ammunition at the 2014 National Matches:

Ammunition will NO LONGER be issued to CMP Garand, Springfield, Carbine or Vintage Military Rifle Match Competitors. Competitors may use their own safe good quality ammunition. Rimfire competitors will be issued 50 rounds of Lapua smallbore ammunition to every competitor for the Rimfire Sporter match. Competitors will have to supply their own good quality safe ammunition for the remaining rounds of the match. Please bring enough ammunition to fire the course of fire plus range alibis or refires. Please contact the Competitions Department at [email protected] ⇒ if you have any questions.


Footnotes / Sources:

Glossary ⇒.” Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute. Ed. SAAMI’s Technical Committee. Web. 15-18 Jan. 2011.

2014 National Matches ⇒.” Civilian Marksmanship Program. Web. 27 May 2014.

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